Conceived as a Modern Contemporary Educational Hub nestled in Vidyanagar area in Karad Town of Western Maharashtra. Being one of the Oldest School in region, School Authority wanted to demolish old School Building and Construct New School Building with all modern facilities, Natural Light and Ventilation and should be Sustainable and Environment Friendly. School is surrounded by various Educational Institutes including Arts, Commerce, Science Colleges, Govt. Pharmacy College, Govt. Engineering College, Private Dental College etc.

Name of Client – Holy Family Convent Trust
Site Location – Vidyanagar, Tal-Karad, Dist-Satara (Maharashtra)
Country - India
Site Area – 12000.0 Sqmt
Built-Up Area – 8058.0 Sqmt
Architects and Interior Design Firm– Spacecraftt Architects, Kolhapur.
Design Team – Ar. Umaesh Raje, Ar. Pankaj Phadnis
I . G . B. C. Consultant – Shashwat, Pune
Photography – Sanjay Chougule, Kolhapur.

Concept of School Building is initiated as Vernacular Courtyard Concept. Planning is done keeping in mind big central courtyard (24m x 15m) for better Light and Ventilation and acts as Communication Hub. Orientation of all Classrooms is kept keeping in mind Natural Light and Ventilation so there is no requirement of Artificial Light during Day. Administrative Block, Principals Office, Staff Rooms are placed near Entrance Foyer for better accessibility and control over School Activity.

Library is Placed at North Face of Building so as to have Diffused Light throughout the Year and is placed at Lower Ground Floor where there is no disturbance of Road Traffic and in Quiet Zone. Similarly Computer Labs are Placed at lower Ground Level alongwith Instrument Room, Record Room , Store room etc.

There are 7 to 9 Classrooms on each Floor having 8m x 8m grid to accommodate number of Students in comfortable way and can accommodate Two Boards one Digital Board and one Regular Black Board.
Toilets are Placed on every floor at N/W corner of Building keeping in mind Wind Flow. Two Staircase Blocks are placed diagonally opposite so as to have easy accessibility to all Students on Floor. One Lift of 8 passangers is placed in Entrance Lobby for Staff and Handicapped Students.

Material Pallette :-
All Materials are carefully chosen keeping in mind Sustainability. School is Pre Registered with I. G. B. C. (Indian Green Building Council).
Porotherm Hollow Clay Blocks are used throughout the Building for better Thermal as well as Aucostical Insulation. These Blocka are non plastered and kept Exposed internally as well as Externally. Lot of Plastering is avoided in this process.
Galvanised Powdercoated Doors and Windows are used throught the Building and are made Locally within 25 kms distance from Site.
All Windows are protected with 0.75 m wide Weather Shade and are covered with Trapizoidal shape PVC Fins of 25mm x 75 mm . These are placed so as not to have direct Sunlight inside the Classroom for Glare free Light inside.
Provision of Low Flow Taps, Flushing Cistern is used for common Toilet areas to save Water. Rain water harvesting is done from top Terrace and water is collected and stored in underground tank of 1.0 Lakh Litre capacity. This water is used for common toilet areas throughout the year.
Central Courtyard is covered with Geo-Fabric Membrane so as to have controlled light inside and UV rays protection.
Solar Photovoltaic Panels are used on top Terrace to produce Electricity required for Digital Classrooms throughout the day.
This School is Registered with I. G . B. C. for Gold Rating Certificate.